Privacy Policy

Our Policy

It is our policy to safeguard the information of our clients who visit our site. Our major focus is to maintain a set of privacy for all our clients. Our privacy policy indicates how we gather and utilize your data to give out the best services, the information is gathered with the prime consent of our customers and clients for the use of promotional strategies, advertisement, informative mailing, and many more that we offer.

In case any of our customers or clients decide not to work with us, then again the data provided by you will be safeguarded as per our policy.

Why do We Collect Information?

Information collected by Shopify Dev Experts is just a process of self-assessment, the information is collected to enhance the service quality and provided you with the information which is of prime interest. The information collected gives us an idea about how many new customers we have made and what made them explore us!

Above all else, Shopify Dev Experts gather data to enhance the services we give and to present you with information and services related to your interests. We likewise utilize your data to analyze and measure our success of execution. For instance, total data gives us an idea of the number of guests we have attracted and how they explore our site.

Personal Data Collection and Communication

The information we gather about our customers and clients is totally provided by them on voluntary basis. The data can be presented in different ways by customers depending on what kind of service they choose. For example, your credit card info can be shared with us while you have signed up on our website or while giving information on the phone. Our payment process is carried out by a third party like PayPal, 2 Checkout, Authorize, and Stripe. The companies mentioned above will never retain, share or restore your data as they are only entitled to carry the billing of our services. If our customer or client wants to run a promotional campaign, we might extract some information from them which includes name, physical location, address, credit card information, and other related information in order to complete the task. The above information is extracted during the registration process. Your E-mail is required so we can send you relevant information regarding the services you have opted for. Your E-Mail is also used to make you aware of our upcoming plans and projects which could be of your interest. However with every promotional message, we always have the option of unsubscribe, or you can unsubscribe by sending us an E-Mail at For such kind of E-mails, we may require your private details like E-mail address, phone number, location, and name of the business. Before writing the email do write "promoting messages opt-out" In the subject. You can submit your credit card Info online or on the telephone while opting for our services. Third-party portals like PayPal, 2Checkout, Authorize, and Stripe carry out our payment process.

Data you provide.

It is strictly against our policy to associate any information provided by the customers with the information on the site. The information that you provide during registration or sign-up is only used to provide you with the relevant information regarding service. If there is any change in your personal information you may correct, update or delete it by conveying the message to us by phone call or via E-Mail.

Use and protection of personal information

As stated per policy any data you provide is not to be shared anywhere, however, the data can be transferred if the company is sold out or gets merged with some other firm. However, we can share your data with our advisors. These third parties have no right to utilize your personal data. Their purpose is to make the service applicable. However, we have the authority to disclose your information as required by the law. We trust that exposure is important to secure our rights and follow a judicial proceeding, court request, or lawful procedure served on our website.

Other Information we collect

We do gather some other data which is not personal through cookies. This data includes IP address, bclearfixser type, and the pages you visit. We also monitor how you got to our sites and what links you clicked on before leaving the sites. This total information is gathered both on our sites and different sites of our services. However, we do share some of the information of our business partners and other third parties. Such information is anonymous and does not discriminate against any client. A cookie is a minor text file that a website or its service provider transfers to your computer's hard drive through the Web browser. Cookies empower the sites or service providers to identify your browser and capture and remember certain information. Cookies can be removed by following your internet bclearfixser's "help file". In case you reject our cookies, you will still be able to go through our website however your access to some areas will be restricted. Your site activity is monitored to help us in providing you with a customized web experience, assist you with personalized web experience, render technical support, monitor our sites, and customize our services according to the need of the customers.

Data Retention

Data that we gather from you is kept for a specific period of time even if the association or the assigned work is ended. This is applicable even if you have just obtained the service and later ended or did not proceed to the offer for the service or whether you consumed the service and the terms were fulfilled. For any of the situations, your data will be with us for a span of 4 years following the end of our partnership or from the date you rejected our offer of service, or from the date that an offer of service was not available. During the information maintenance period as mentioned earlier, you can erase your data from our database by calling us on our telephone or contacting us by other means like chat or E-Mail. The user must mention his name, email address, telephone number, physical location, business name, and area with "Remove Personally Identifiable Information" in the title, so we can suitably identify you and process your removal demand. This is to be noted that any identifiable data provided is not dependent on the maintenance period and that it cannot be erased.

How Long Will The Shopify Dev Experts Keep My Personal Information?

We will hold the information you provided in our database for as long as it’s necessary for the services, or as long as is set out in any relevant contract you hold with Shopify Dev Experts (this defines which document and information should be kept for how long). In the case where you wish to abandon your account services with Shopify Dev Experts, once services are canceled, your information stays on the database for a period of one year and is deleted automatically, while your data is saved in our systems, people cannot use your personal information. If you provided any personal details to Shopify Dev Experts, we will only keep your details for as long as is reasonably required for the purpose(s) of submission. Shopify Dev Experts assures that we do not rent, sell or share any personal information of our customers with other people or those who aren’t affiliated with our company, except to provide the requested services, we will share your information when we have your permission or under following circumstances:
  • We provide your information to our reliable partners who work on behalf of or with Shopify Dev Experts under confidentiality agreements. These partners and companies may use your information in order to help Shopify Dev Experts deliver the services at their best quality. However, these companies hold no right to independently use or share your personal information.
  • We may respond to court orders, subpoenas, or legal processes, or establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims.
  • We believe it is necessary to share information in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, violations of Shopify Dev Experts terms of use, or as otherwise required by law.
  • We transfer information about you if Shopify Dev Experts is acquired by or merged with another company. In this event, Shopify Dev Experts will notify you before information about you is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy.

Third-party website links

We do have links with some other websites for example our customers, advertisers, business partners, and associates. We have no control over their daily business operations or practices. As we don't control the policies and information of these third-party sites. You should separately evaluate to know how they gather and utilize personal information. Note: (We are not in any way affiliated or in anyway linked with We are a separate company working under the name of

Security Information

Information stored by Shopify Dev Experts is protected by using industry-standard security devices. All the data is protected with firewalls and encrypted protocols. This is done to prevent unauthorized access to our data. Our carefully developed security system protects your information from being misused or unauthorized alteration. Data like credit card info is highly protected through a secure socket layer (SSL). This provides encryption during the process. Our employees are trained to safeguard your data. Both internal and external resources are reviewed for the capability of our security process.

Revision Policy

Shopify Dev Experts gives you assurance regarding unlimited revisions according to your particular packages. Clients can ask for revisions as per the package and no extra fee will be charged. However, the design and concept will remain identical and the customer can post revisions on any one of the provided options. Revision on numerous options is either inadmissible or will be charged discretely. Normal Revision reversal time would be 48 to 72 hours for logo and website design, 3 to 5 days for video animations, and the timeline for software, apps, and games may vary depending on the revision scope. Similarly, the timelines for functionality and Development revisions may also differ contingent on the scope of work. The timeline for the revision of the digital marketing strategy varies on the involved research, mediums, budget, and overall plan size.

Protection for children

No information is collected from anyone who is under 13 years of age.

Changes to this privacy policy

Our policy may change over a specific period of time. However, on the change of our policy, we will update our fellow customers on We have the right to alter our security proclamation so we would advise you to stay connected with our website. +1 (833) 233-4694


All the logos, trademarks, and, graphical contents present on our website or portfolio belong to their respected owners. We only own the written content and graphics content of our own website. The rest is to represent our services and showcase the results have produced.